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Seam Welded Steel Pipes BS 1387 (BS EN 10255)


Black steel pipes

Electric resistance welded pipes (ERW) are used as a multi-purpose item, structural steel, firefighting, network pluming, scaffolding   and many other usages including gas transmission networks.

Hot dip galvanized steel pipes:

By hot dipping ERW in molten zinc a protective layer is formed to resist corrosion, giving a longer life for steel pipes. The HDG pipe are used for potable water transmission networks, structural pipe for outdoors like fencing, handrails, scaffolding, riser pipes and many other applications for both indoors and outdoors.

Light, medium and heavy series are available from these standard galvanized and black pipes, which are suitable for water lines (hot and cold), gas lines, firefighting, HVAC lines and electric poles. Pipes can be supplied and threaded according to BS 21. 


BS 1387-85

Class Nominal Diameter (DN) Designation of thread Outside diameter   Mass of black tube
  mm Inch max min. mm Plain end Threaded and docketed
mm mm   kg/m kg/m
Light 15 ½ 21.4 21 2 0.947 0.956
20 ¾ 26.9 26.4 2.3 1.38 1.39
25 1 33.8 33.2 2.6 1.98 2
32 42.5 41.9 2.6 2.54 2.57
40 48.4 47.8 2.9 3.23 3.27
50 2 60.2 59.6 2.9 4.08 4.15
65 76 75.2 3.2 5.74 5.83
80 3 88.7 87.9 3.2 6.72 6.89
100 4 113.9 113 3.6 9.75 10
Medium 15 ½ 21.7 21.1 2.6 1.21 1.22
20 ¾ 27.2 26.6 2.6 1.56 1.57
25 1 34.2 33.4 3.2 2.41 2.43
32 42.9 42.1 3.2 3.1 3.13
40 48.8 48 3.2 3.57 3.61
50 2 60.8 59.8 3.6 5.03 5.1
65 76.6 75.4 3.6 6.43 6.55
80 3 89.5 88.1 4 8.37 8.54
100 4 114.9 113.3 4.5 12.2 12.5
125 5 140.6 138.7 5 16.6 17.1
150 6 166.1 164.1 5 19.7 20.3
Heavy 15 ½ 21.7 21.1 3.2 1.44 1.45
20 ¾ 27.2 26.6 3.2 1.87 1.88
25 1 34.2 33.4 4 2.94 2.96
32 42.9 42.1 4 3.8 3.83
40 48.8 48 4 4.38 4.42
50 2 60.8 59.8 4.5 6.19 6.26
65 76.6 75.4 4.5 7.93 8.05
80 3 89.5 88.1 5 10.3 10.5
100 4 114.9 113.3 5.4 14.5 14.8
125 5 140.6 138.7 5.4 17.9 18.4
150 6 166.1 164.1 5.4 21.3 21.9
NOTES:  1) Dimensions and masses are accordance with ISO R65
               2) Hydrostatic test pressure 50 kg/cm²